Environmental Management
Efficiency and environmental sustainability
Committed to environmental protection
As an organization we have proposed to develop plans and programs for the consumption and efficient use of natural resources, being our main objective the quality and efficiency in each of the stages of our process, with these strategies, we are determined to minimize the consumption of resources and waste generation with a focus on the prevention and minimization of significant environmental impacts on the environment.

Main programs
Integral waste management and promotion of clean energies
In Dimel Ingeniería we understand that promoting the efficient use and saving of water is imperative for the preservation of this valuable resource, so we have implemented instruments for water resource management in order to
ensure sustainability, environmental and social responsibility and thus improve the availability and access to water.
In our energy efficiency and savings program, we aim to make the most efficient use of this resource, without neglecting the quality of life, of our product and economic development, with this we seek to reduce the environmental impacts derived from the consumption of natural resources, reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.
Our approach is to implement clean energies that promote efficient and environmentally responsible production.
Aware of the impact that the development of our activities, services and products offered can generate on the environment, we have developed programs for the Integral Management of solid waste that are classified as usable, special and hazardous, in order to have a tool to reduce and/or minimize the polluting factors generated, while complying with the legal and regulatory requirements in force in environmental matters and generate a positive impact on our production chain from the acquisition of raw materials, manufacturing, transportation and final disposal.
Carbon footprint monitoring
Dimel Ingeniería's sustainable initiatives
In our organization the main focus is the welfare of the community and the environment, so we have decided to start monitoring our partial carbon footprint of product, with a focus on prevention to continue generating plans and programs that drive us towards corporate environmental sustainability.
This project will generate a sustainability indicator that will allow us to quantify, recognize, evaluate and monitor the impact we have as an organization on the environment and its contribution to climate change, the strategies we will develop will be aligned to this indicator, generating a sustainable and responsible environment.
The methodology applied for this monitoring will be based on the development of ISO 14067:2018 for the product lines manufactured in our organization.
Este proyecto nos generará un indicador de sostenibilidad que nos permitirá cuantificar, reconocer, evaluar y hacer un seguimiento sobre el impacto que tenemos como organización en el medio ambiente y su contribución al cambio climático, las estrategias que desarrollaremos estarán alineadas a este indicador, generando un ambiente sostenible y responsable en el entorno.
La metodología aplicada para este monitoreo se basará en el desarrollo de la ISO 14067:2018 para las líneas de producto fabricadas en nuestra organización.